Dear Abby: New tenant can’t stand the weekend noise coming from upstairs neighbor

Dear Abby: New tenant can’t stand the weekend noise coming from upstairs neighbor

DEAR ABBY: I am having an issue with the lady who lives above me. I moved into my apartment a month ago because it seemed so quiet in the complex. Before signing the lease, I asked my landlord if the tenant above me is quiet because when you live on the first floor, you can sometimes hear everything going on above you. The landlord assured me that it was pretty quiet.

A couple of weeks went by, and it was quiet until one Friday I heard this stomping noise above me. I thought it would go away.

Little did I know, the lady upstairs watches her two grandsons and another boy.

Abby, this stomping around goes on all weekend, and it drives me crazy. I was tapping the ceiling to let her know it was getting too loud. She called our landlord and complained!

My landlady is also a client of my daughter’s, who is a hairstylist, so I caught heck from my daughter, too. Must I just grin and bear it, or should I say something to the lady upstairs? — CAN’T LIVE LIKE THIS IN MICHIGAN

DEAR CAN’T LIVE LIKE THIS: When your landlady told you the renters upstairs were quiet, she lied and misled you. What you need to do now is get out of that lease. The quickest way to do that would be to consult a real estate attorney. You do not have to live like this, and your daughter should not be blaming you and siding with the person who is causing the problem.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.